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Cage Green Primary School

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Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green road, Tonbridge, TN10 4PT


01732 354325



Clubs Run by the Children

Encouraging the children to contribute to our school community is a very important part of what we do here.  We run a broad range of clubs provided by staff and outside providers, but our children also run some of our clubs themselves. The clubs tend to be short term (about four weeks).  In order to run a club, children have a to write a letter to the headteacher outlining when their club will happen, who it is for, if they need adult support and what it will look like.  A few examples of these clubs are below, both current and historic. 

Football Skills Club

Year Six children are running a football skills club for the younger children.  The club started as a Thursday lunchtime only but is expanding into Tuesdays and Thursdays (the days when we don't have a sports coach) so the children have opportunities every day.  The children run this club themselves, as you can see from the letter below. They make their own choices and manage the organisation themselves.

letter about football skills.pdf

 Here are a couple of photos to show the older children coaching the younger children.  More photos are to come.

Football Skills Club


Lunchtime Drama Club: Elf

The first children run club was a drama club for Christmas 2021.  A group of Year Six children wrote their own version of the film Elf. They wrote their own script, organised their own rehearsals and auditioned younger children to take part. They even persuaded Mr Robertson to dress up as an elf and take part.  The production was performed in front of the whole school just before we broke up for the holidays.  It was fabulous.  We can't show the pictures as many of the children have now left the school.  Mr Robertson is quite relieved by this! 


Country Dancing Club

This isn't really a club, but it is too good not to put in somewhere!  Hopefully, these children will decide to make it a proper club soon!